Monday 7 December 2015

LO1 - Just Dance Analysis

Just Dance Analysis

Just Dance is a rhythm/dance game which can be fast paced and slow paced depending on which song the player chooses. The game can be put into the fitness category. Just Dance doesn’t have a definitive story line but it has a system of different songs that the user gets to choose a dance and with in the different songs there is a story behind it. There is no specific target audience, there is no genderised specification for the game, but the game would be aimed at people who listen to pop/dance music to people who listen to other genres such as heavy metal or grime etc. The story connects with the audience as a song on there may be a song someone may like and the dance/story behind it may relate to the person.The characters in the game are purposely made out to be outlines of people who were animated and produced by a green screen. The characters in the song link in with the singer or genre, as some songs will be female characters and some will be male, other songs may include both as it could be a pair dance. The game ranges in different dances which each have different difficulties as the different moves can be challenging and keeping up if the song is fast paced. The game has a scoring system, the player has a challenge of trying to beat other scores and get stars. The elements of the game to make it successful is that fact it does not use a controller, you use your body and the Kinect, it is funny for the family and friends, it is interactive for everyone. The gameplay evolves as different songs are added into the game to expand the gameplay and bring new challenges to the player. The Target audience for the game would be people who listen to pop and chart music, there wouldn’t be a specific gender aim as both males and females dance, but there would be different songs within the game that aims at different genders. In the game the songs that are available are chart songs or old dancing music which would be entertaining to the audience. The game can be played on Wii and Xbox, I played on the Xbox one for this and the Kinect, it is most suited for this as you don’t use a controller and you feel more immersed into the game rather than the Wii as you have to hold a remote and your body is not viewed you are to just monitored on the movement of your remote.

Sunday 6 December 2015

LO1 - Counter Strike : Global Offensive Analysis

Counter Strike : Global Offensive or CS:GO as it is commonly known as, is a first person shooter, like other games such as Call of Duty, it is a common mainstream style FPS and it is very similar to others. This game is a war shooter game between two different teams.

In the game the story is between two teams, 'Counter-Terrorists' and ' Terrorists', the aim is to either defend or destroy a certain area of a map. The story shows two different sides, the protagonists (Counter-Terrorists) and the antagonists (Terrorists) and the 'CT' have to defend the sites to win the rounds, it is a story of good vs evil, you use both teams as you are playing so you have an aim to protect and to destroy. The story interacts with the audience as you are to play as a team with or without your friends, work together to win the game and progress through different levels to show your quality.

The characters with in the games are not customisable, they are a basic terrorist looking figure and a S.W.A.T armoured CT, the skins of these characters do not change, but the skins of the weapons that you are able to use are customisable, you can purchase different skins to make your gun look different and also adding stickers on to them to make them even more personalised, this is a way of making the game more fun for the user but also a way of making a huge amount of money for Valve, the creators, some weapon skins sell for 3 pence while others can sell up to £1500.

The gameplay follows some physics of spray patterns and recoil, gravity and common sense. While playing you have challenges aiming the gun and getting it on point to kill the opposing player. With the community of Counter Strike being so big, the game has its own professional championships where the best teams compete against each other, with the game having also over 11 million players nationwide.

The target audience for this game would be from a young age all the way up to 30+, both genders play the game but there are more males playing the game than females. The game is aimed at people who enjoy FPS games and shooters. The game directly appeals to the audience as it isn't easy, it is a challenge for all the players. It intrigues a large audience with its different ways of playing. Counter Strike is as popular as other FPS games such as Call of Duty, in two years the game has gained 8 million players due to the publicity it is getting and how it is improving.

Counter Strike : Global Offensive is a PC game which is bought on Steam, also xbox have released a version for the 360 and it is not as successful as the PC. it is more suitable to be played on the PC as that is where the series originated and you are also capable of doing more on a PC than on an Xbox, The community market isn't available along with the main game mode, Competitive where the ranking system comes into place. This is not available on Xbox as the system capabilities are not as varied.

Monday 23 November 2015

LO2 - Analysis of different reviews

Review Analysis

Game – Call of Duty : Ghosts

Genre – FPS / Action
Target Audience – Adults and young adults (16 – 21)
Narrative – Based on all other Call of Duty games
Characters –
Gameplay –  High quality on PS4, next gen consoles are no different to pre gen consoles, the gameplay has not changed
Platforms = All platforms but biased towards playstation as it is a playstation magazine and it favours the ability of PS4 being able to play in a better quality.

Video Review

The video review is less professional as he does not need to watch what he says, he has a widely open vocab which he uses and he can say what he likes while in a magazine you would have to be more professional as once your written piece is published you can not take it back and change it.

Target Audience – Young teenagers and young adults.                                            
Characters – Gives personal opinions on each character whether it be good or bad and verbally violent.
Gameplay – Talks about how the gameplay is the same as the other games but the creators make tiny changes which he jokes about and says they are pointless or stupid.
Platforms – He doesn’t specifically say which platforms but images within the video show different consoles such as Xbox and Playstation

The written game review and the video review both stated Call of Duty: Ghosts as being an FPS/Action game. In the written review the author writes in a formal way which portrays it to be aimed at an older audience while the video review is less formal and the reviewer speaks his own opinions whether it is negative or positive and he does not limit the vocabulary he uses so he swears in most of it.

Playstation 4 Play magazine

Monday 12 October 2015

LO3 - ARK : Survival Evolved analysis

ARK Survival Evolved

ARK is a adventure, survival game with dinosaurs. It represents survival as you have a lot of things to keep an eye on to stay alive such as warmth, hunger, thirst and diseases, also you have a significant amount of dinosaurs out there trying to kill you. It is one of the top survival games apart related titles such as Minecraft, but ARK has other variants that others don’t have going into the prehistoric dinosaurs.    

There is no narrative to the game but you have an aim of staying alive and taming dinosaurs to help you along the way, building bases and collecting and creating supplies to help you stay alive and allow you to do more things. You’re creating the story as you go, and everyone’s is different. The audience controls the game, there fore allowing them freedom to do what they like, free roam games have grown in the past few years in popularity. 
The player is able to create the character themselves, it is fully customisable, you are able to change everything on the player, there are no other characters with in the game such as an NPC, the only other characters are the dinosaurs, which are skinned to look like the actual dinosaur it is meant to be.  The customisable character doesn’t affect the players attributes and symptoms of the players. All the characters are exactly the same apart from the appearance. The characters are meant to be like real life people would be, but time is sped up so the character gets a lot hungrier and colder quicker than normal but this is because it gives you more of a challenge to watch out for while you play. 

The challenges in the game are to keep yourself alive against the environment and dinosaurs which are out to kill you