Monday 7 December 2015

LO1 - Just Dance Analysis

Just Dance Analysis

Just Dance is a rhythm/dance game which can be fast paced and slow paced depending on which song the player chooses. The game can be put into the fitness category. Just Dance doesn’t have a definitive story line but it has a system of different songs that the user gets to choose a dance and with in the different songs there is a story behind it. There is no specific target audience, there is no genderised specification for the game, but the game would be aimed at people who listen to pop/dance music to people who listen to other genres such as heavy metal or grime etc. The story connects with the audience as a song on there may be a song someone may like and the dance/story behind it may relate to the person.The characters in the game are purposely made out to be outlines of people who were animated and produced by a green screen. The characters in the song link in with the singer or genre, as some songs will be female characters and some will be male, other songs may include both as it could be a pair dance. The game ranges in different dances which each have different difficulties as the different moves can be challenging and keeping up if the song is fast paced. The game has a scoring system, the player has a challenge of trying to beat other scores and get stars. The elements of the game to make it successful is that fact it does not use a controller, you use your body and the Kinect, it is funny for the family and friends, it is interactive for everyone. The gameplay evolves as different songs are added into the game to expand the gameplay and bring new challenges to the player. The Target audience for the game would be people who listen to pop and chart music, there wouldn’t be a specific gender aim as both males and females dance, but there would be different songs within the game that aims at different genders. In the game the songs that are available are chart songs or old dancing music which would be entertaining to the audience. The game can be played on Wii and Xbox, I played on the Xbox one for this and the Kinect, it is most suited for this as you don’t use a controller and you feel more immersed into the game rather than the Wii as you have to hold a remote and your body is not viewed you are to just monitored on the movement of your remote.

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